Our Last day in Florence!!! After having finished packing yesterday, the plan was to go take my suitcase to uni in the morning, then help pack up and clean the apartment before leaving on the 2:09 train to Foligno. Not unusually, things didn’t quite go to plan!!! I was burning a DVD in the morning (thinking it would finish rather quickly) so I could pack away my computer and catch a 9.47 train, however ½ hour after the train had left the DVD was only just finishing. I ended up having to take a bus (which I only just managed to get) as this was the ‘convienient’ gap in the train timetable to Prato… Then I didn’t manage to get back in time for the handover (not really that tragic) and only just made it back to Florence by 1.45. We decided that we would rather catch the later train (4:09) as neither of us felt ready enough to leave. 2 hours later, we’d managed to send 3 packages to Australia, buy Tim’s leather satchel and only just make it to the station – although the apartment was still a mess (at least we’d moved all the furniture back to how it was when we moved in…) Saying goodbye to Tim was hard especially after we had spent so much time together the last week. Leaving Florence was really sad after an awesome 3 months with great people!

After a fairly long train ride, we arrived in Foligno to find, once again, horribly inadequate directions to the hostel; “500m from the train station” and the tourist office closed! After asking numerous locals for directions, we finally found the hostel down a tiny alleyway, a little further than 500m from the station. It turned out to be a really nice hostel with a beautiful courtyard in the middle and large and clean rooms.

Dinner was quite amusing; after having wandered into the 1st nice place with a menu, we managed to order antipasti without realising (the waiter offered us stuffed zucchii and we didn’t say no; then they just kept coming) as well as the meals (well, primi piatti as usual) and left spending slightly more than planned, feeling almost as full as we were after the bistecca!!! We then wandered back to the hostel, straight to bed, feeling rather exhausted after all the rushing around, needing a good night’s sleep…